Disclaimer: My teacher was happy with it but said it wasn't a perfect standalone studying thing, so, uh, you have been warned.

If you can see this,
something's horribly broken.
So please email me
an image of what you see
when you press f12 and then console.
You can take a picture with either
Print screen (possibly looks like Prt Sc),
which is probably in the top right of your keyboard,
or by pressing the Windows key, next to Left Alt,
and shift, and s, all together.
If you're on something else, sorry,
I don't know anything about it.
Just look up how to take a screenshot.
Or refresh.
That usually fixes stuff, right?
I dunno, I might've built this thing,
But I have no idea what I'm doing.
This screen is honestly probably more likely
than seeing any working flashcards.
Honestly, if it does work for you, shoot another email!